Mar 26, 2024
CROPLAN® Rebound AA and LegenDairy AA Alfalfa

As alfalfa producers in the Pacific Northwest know all too well, root rot diseases like Aphanomyces and Phytophthora have a nasty habit for putting a dent in their crop’s yield potential. But now growers can defend their stand by planting CROPLAN Rebound AA or LegenDairy AA alfalfa – both of which provide strong disease resistance thanks to a blend of elite genetics and fungicide seed treatments.
An alfalfa stand with enhanced resistance and persistence has a healthier root system, which means the crown and roots overwinter better, break dormancy faster in spring and recover more quickly after cutting. This means higher yield potential and greater feed quality potential.
Rebound AA alfalfa is a fall dormancy 4 (FD 4) product that’s best suited for aggressive 4- to 5-cut hay management systems. It’s especially good for baled hay, silage or green chop in the West, where pockets of Aphanomyces root rot disease is a problem.
LegenDairy AA alfalfa is the latest generation of LegenDairy. As an FD 3 product that’s well suited for the cool days and nights encountered in higher elevations, its nice big leaves help deliver enhanced yield potential and excellent feed quality potential for dairy operations. It’s an ideal fit for 3- to 4-cut baled hay or haylage harvest systems.
“In addition to exceptional disease resistance, several producers have noted AA alfalfa has improved insect resistance compared to the original, non-AA alfalfa varieties,” says Dan Coleman, WinField® United Sales Development Manager. “Between fielding calls from some growers and actually walking the fields with others, I’ve seen and heard how AA alfalfa stands are providing better resistance to insects like aphids and weevils. In fact, one farmer had a stand of the original CROPLAN Rebound 6XT alfalfa next to a new Rebound AA alfalfa stand in the same field, and they had to spray the original variety for insects. The AA stand, however, had far less insect pressure and didn’t need to be sprayed.”
If you’re interested in leveraging the disease and insect resistance built into CROPLAN Rebound AA or LegenDairy AA alfalfa in your fields, contact your local WinField® United retailer. They’ll help set you up on the path to success.
- Has the highest resistance (HR+) rating to Aphanomyces root rot enhanced multi-race (EMR); HR+ to multi-race Anthracnose disease (including race 5)
- Has HR rating to Phytophthora root rot
- Is available with Apex™ Green Seed Coating; OMRI Listed® for organic use

©2024 CROPLAN® and WinField® are trademarks of WinField United.
Apex™ is a trademark of Summit Seed Coating, LLC.
OMRI Listed® is a trademark of Organic Materials Review Institute.
Every successful harvest starts with a seed. It just can't end there. Choose which high-performing seed products you’ll start with this season.