Why Alfalfa?
Leta Larsen
Alfalfa and Forage Specialist

Alfalfa is a versatile crop that more and more dairy producers are turning to for its ration and rotational benefits. If you’re wondering, “Why alfalfa?” let’s consider how alfalfa can help elevate your farming practices, from boosting animal performance to enhancing soil health and supporting your sustainability goals.
In the Ration: Alfalfa’s Nutritional Benefits
When it comes to animal feed, alfalfa stands out for its exceptional nutritional profile. On a dry matter basis, alfalfa typically contains 18-24% crude protein — an unmatched level compared to other common forages.1 This high protein content is a major draw for dairy farmers looking to optimize the yield and quality of their herds’ milk production. Dairy farmers are often incentivized to raise butterfat and protein levels in milk, and feeding alfalfa can help improve those critical components.
Protein content isn't the only nutritional advantage of alfalfa. It also offers exceptional digestibility, with a high neutral detergent fiber digestibility (NDFD) score. This means alfalfa is less filling for the animal, allowing them to consume more dry matter. In other words, alfalfa leaves more space for the animal to eat, which can lead to higher milk production in dairy cows or faster weight gain in beef cattle and sheep. Many ranchers choose alfalfa as a feed source for beef cattle for the high feed efficiency associated with better digestibility.
While grass can sometimes offer higher forage yields than alfalfa, it doesn’t provide the unique nutritional profile and agronomic benefits alfalfa does. It’s hard to beat alfalfa's high protein content, digestibility benefits and soil health advantages. One often overlooked benefit of alfalfa is its harvest and feed versatility. The crop can be chopped for haylage, baled for dry hay or even pelleted or cubed, making it a very flexible forage that can fit into a wide range of livestock operations, from dairy cows to horses to rabbits.
In the Rotation: Alfalfa’s Agronomic Benefits
While the animal nutrition upsides of alfalfa are well-known, its benefits to crop rotations don’t always get the attention they deserve. As a nitrogen-fixing legume, alfalfa provides substantial nitrogen credits to subsequent crops, potentially reducing the need for additional fertilizer applications. A typical four-year alfalfa production cycle can contribute up to 200 pounds of nitrogen per acre.2 Even in the second-year post-rotation, alfalfa can still supply 30-50 pounds of nitrogen, benefiting crops like corn and wheat.3Additionally, alfalfa can improve soil health and crop agronomics in several ways by helping:
· Support carbon sequestration and enhanced soil structure.
· Reduce water and wind erosion by providing year-round ground cover.
· Increase microbial diversity for better nutrient and water uptake.
· Limit nutrient leaching due to its extensive root system.
· Break pest and disease cycles for improved crop health.
· Balance soil phosphorus levels in fields with high manure loads.
Alfalfa is a resilient crop that thrives in a wide range of environments, from the Upper Midwest to the arid West. Its drought resilience and winter hardiness make it a suitable rotational partner for many crop plans.
Alfalfa now offers additional economic benefits for farmers. Alfalfa has been added as a “Short-Term Perennial” option to the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) 328 Practice for Conservation Crop Rotation. This update means farmers in 16 states now may receive payments for including alfalfa in their conservation crop rotations. Payment rates range from $60.44 to $79.07 per acre, depending on the state. Each participating state has its own payment scenarios, which you can explore here.
Advice for New Alfalfa Growers
If you’re new to alfalfa, here are a few considerations to help increase your production success.1. Remember That Not All Alfalfa Varieties Are Equal
Research disease resistance ratings, winter hardiness and fall dormancy to select a variety suited to your region. For example, lower fall dormancy ratings are crucial for northern climates, while higher ratings are better suited to southern regions. Diseases like Aphanomyces and Anthracnose can wreak havoc on alfalfa stands, but varieties like CROPLAN LegenDairy AA can provide the extra disease protection you need to maximize yield potential and quality.
2. Understand the Benefits of Modern Alfalfa Traits
You may have heard misconceptions about yield drag associated with alfalfa traits. Rest assured, modern traits, such as Roundup Ready® and HarvXtra® Alfalfa, have evolved to provide yield potential just as well as or better than conventional varieties. Traits can also add more flexibility to your production plan. For example, HarvXtra Alfalfa enables growers to optimize forage quality at a 28-day harvest window or extend harvest by seven to 10 days to maximize yield potential without sacrificing forage quality. Seek out local yield data and performance information to make informed alfalfa variety selections.
3. Seek Expertise
Work with CROPLAN retailers who understand alfalfa’s unique needs. This ensures you’re using the best practices and varieties for optimal performance. CROPLAN seed is dedicated to supporting alfalfa growers with significant investments in variety development and production research. We also have dedicated boots-on-the-ground forage experts who can help with troubleshooting and recommendations.
The Answer is Clear
Why are so many farms adding alfalfa to their crop rotations? The answer is clear: for the ration and rotational benefits it provides. Whether you’re a dairy producer seeking higher milk quality or a crop farmer looking to improve soil health, alfalfa can deliver on all fronts. Investing in quality alfalfa varieties and staying informed about best practices can help you unlock this remarkable crop's full potential.
For more information about how alfalfa fits in your crop rotation, consult your local agronomic advisor or CROPLAN retailer.
2 University of Minnesota. Managing the Rotation From Alfalfa to Corn. Reviewed 2021.
3 Bundy LG, Kelling KA, and Ward Good L. Using Legumes as a Nitrogen Source. 1997. University of Wisconsin.
All photos are either the property of WinField United or used with permission.
© 2025 WinField United. Important: Before use always read and follow label instructions. Crop performance is dependent on several factors many of which are beyond the control of WinField United, including without limitation, soil type, pest pressures, agronomic practices and weather conditions. Growers are encouraged to consider data from multiple locations, over multiple years and to be mindful of how such agronomic conditions could impact results. CROPLAN, HarvXtra and WinField are trademarks of WinField United.
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